National Safe Work Month
In 2014 35% of workers who died were machinery operators and drivers.
October is safe work month! This initiative by Safe Work Australia focuses on safety in your workplace to reduce death, injury & disease. This year the theme is Be safe. Be healthy. Because….
As per our last three articles supporting National Safe Work Month this week’s sub-theme is: Be Safe. Be healthy because it makes good business sense.
Like Solution, we encourage you each week to share these themes amongst colleagues, partners, husbands, wives & children.
Regardless of your workplace, the health and safety of your colleagues should come first. At Solution we take that one step further and take the safety of anyone who hires one of our Rollers, Excavators, Attachments or Dumpers very seriously.
Visit the official National Safe Work website.
To learn more about our commitment to safety when it comes to our equipment and employees or simply to discuss your next hire contact one of our dedicated sales representatives on 1300 77 44 73.